Instructor teaching classSince opening its doors in 1986, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) has served as a faculty development center by supporting faculty members in their pursuit of teaching excellence. In this section, you'll find information about the following:

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) specialists are available throughout the year to work with you and to support you in any area of teaching. Our aim is to offer you confidential, evidence-based guidance tailored to your specific needs and to engage with you in your quest to provide quality education to students at Georgia Tech.

Signature Events
Our signature events and workshop series throughout the year are a great opportunity for faculty to come together to share ideas, showcase their successes, develop new approaches to teaching, and learn from their colleagues.

CTL's regular interactive workshops are designed to let you collaboratively explore and share practical, evidence-based best practices on pedagogical themes, and to gain new insight as you are equipped and inspired to try new things in the classroom.

Faculty Teaching and Learning Groups
CTL's regularly offered groups include theme-based learning communities, teaching fellow cohorts, learning technology partnerships, and an ongoing book club. In these extended groups, faculty participants have the opportunity to investigate specific topics, create resources, learn from their colleagues, and start new projects. 

Learning Technology
CTL works with faculty, postdoctoral scholars, TAs, and graduate student instructors to explore how to effectively integrate technologies into teaching and learning. 

Course Instructor Opinion Surveys (CIOS)
CIOS are administered by the Office of Academic Effectiveness, and CTL faculty are available to discuss scores and strategies.

Each year, the CTL presents a number of awards to honor outstanding faculty contributions to the educational mission of Georgia Tech. Recipients are celebrated annually at the Faculty and Staff Honors Luncheon each April.

For additional resources related to faculty work, please visit the Office of Faculty Affairs