Dr. Kate Williams currently serves as Faculty Co-Director of Georgia Tech's Leadership in Progress and Service Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) in the Office of Undergraduate Education. Kate joined the Center for Teaching and Learning at Georgia Tech in 2016 where she retains a partial appointment as Senior Academic Professional.
Kate earned a Ph.D. in industrial-organizational psychology from Clemson University and an M.Ed. in student affairs from the University of South Carolina. A psychology instructor with a background in experiential learning, service learning, and career services, Kate has 25 years of experience in higher education in both faculty and leadership roles. She previously served as department head at a South Carolina community college where she gained expertise in faculty development and evaluation, curriculum assessment, and strategic planning. In the Center for Teaching and Learning at Georgia Tech, Kate has led a number of initiatives, including designing and facilitating the Tech to Teaching certificate program for graduate students and developing several faculty learning communities. In 2023, Kate launched a faculty development program to support the Transformative Teaching and Learning (TTL) strategic plan initiative. The pilot round of the TTL Innovation Incubator faculty grant led to the integration of experiential learning enhancements into a dozen courses reaching 855 students across the institute.
Kate is engaged on campus, serving in the Faculty Senate for the past four years, including chairing the Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee, and is also a Faculty Guide for the Stamps Presidential Scholars. Kate has completed the LeaderingWomen@Tech program and the University System of Georgia Leadership Development Institute. She received the CIOS Honor Roll award for teaching in Fall 2021 as well as the Georgia Tech Staff Excellence Award that same year for her contributions to remote teaching resources during the pandemic. Active in the POD Network, the premier professional association for educational developers, Kate also holds an elected position on the leadership team for the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL).