Tuesday, March 12, 2019 | 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Student Center Ballroom
Celebrating Teaching Day is an annual event hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning to honor and celebrate the dedication of Georgia Tech faculty and instructors from across campus.
Who Belongs Here?
Keynote Address by Dr. Alegra Eroy-Reveles
Many students find that they must leave behind pieces of who they are if they want to become a successful “student-scholar" in higher education. Such feelings of non-belonging may cause students to drop out--or shift from the interests that brought them to college to areas of study that appear more accepting of their identities and values.
Professor Alegra Eroy-Reveles, Assistant Teaching Professor of Chemistry at University of California, Santa Cruz, described her educational journey from the farming town of Watsonville, California to the marble hallways of New England, the concrete jungle of San Francisco, and back to her birthplace. As she weaved in her own stories of persistence, Dr. Eroy-Reveles highlighted what we as faculty can do to validate and affirm our students in the learning environments we create.
Workshop materials:

Dr. Alegra Eroy-Reveles is an Assistant Teaching Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of California, Santa Cruz, where she focuses her energy on the teaching and learning experience in General Chemistry. The main focus of her work in science education, in collaboration with Social Psychologists, is developing and testing curricular interventions that increase the performance and retention of historically underrepresented students in STEM courses and majors. She is particularly interested in helping students connect STEM course content to their personal lives, building community in the STEM classroom, and affirming students’ altruistic values to help others. She was compelled to transition from research in synthetic inorganic chemistry and chemical biology, her doctoral and postdoctoral work respectively, to research in chemical education in order to expand the number and diversity of students pursuing careers in science. Her multicultural background(Chicana/Puerto Rican/Filipina) helps her work at the interface of science and education. A 2017 Linton-Poodry SACNAS Leadership Alumna, Dr. Eroy-Reveles is working to serve, strengthen, and unify communities to build and support a diverse scientific workforce.
In addition, faculty shared their education initiatives and research at our poster fair, followed by a luncheon and program that honored Thank a Teacher recipients, Class of 1940 Award winners, 2018-19 CTL Teaching Fellows, and more. For a full listing of all those who were honored at Celebrating Teaching Day 2019, please view the program brochure.
Poster Session
Featuring educational initiatives from the Tech community
- Guest Lecturer - Being An Effective Instructor Despite Not Knowing the Audience Nor Classroom Culture by Isabel Altamirano, Librarian, Teaching Scholars
- Mapping the Maximalist Novel, Benjamin Bergholtz, Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature, Media, and Communication, Brittain Fellows
- Athletics and the Co-Requisite Model at Georgia Tech, Rachel Dean-Ruzicka, Lecturer and Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature, Media, and Communication, Brittain Fellows
- Discussion Starters: Increasing and Improving Classroom Discussion by Betsy DiSalvo, Associate Professor, Interactive Computing, Hesburgh Award Teaching Fellows
- Lost Films, Forgotten Women: Engaging First-Year Students in Historical Media Research and Recovery Work, Alexandra Edwards, Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature, Media, and Communication, Brittain Fellows
- Picture This: Teaching Science Communication for Non-Experts Through Picture Books, Rebekah Fitzsimmons, Assistant Director of Writing and Communication, Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature, Media, and Communication, Brittain Fellows
- Interactive Austen: Using Tabletop RPG Mechanics to Shape Multimodal Storytelling, Corey Goergen, Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature, Media, and Communication, Brittain Fellows
- Case Studies and the Archive: Teaching Research Skills for Technical Communicators, Rebekah Greene, Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature, Media, and Communication, Brittain Fellows
- Scandalous!: Collaborative Research Presentations in First Year Composition, Courtney A. Hoffman, Brittain Fellows
- Creating a Positive Teaching and Learning Environment: An Online Toolkit for Faculty, David Lawrence, Associate Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, Georgia Tech Educational Initiatives
- Developing One's "Toolbox of Design" through the Lived Experiences of Women Students: Academic Makerspaces As sites for Learning, Julie Linsey, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, and Megan Tomoko, Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech Educational Initiatives.
- Materializing Energy: Energy Humanities and First-Year Composition, Kent Linthicum, Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature, Media, and Communication, Brittain Fellows
- Humor in Technical Education, Communication and Innovation by Pete Ludovice, Associate Professor, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Educational Initiatives
- Creating With Math: Student Exploration With Digital Fabrication by Elisabetta Matsumoto, Assistant Professor, Physics, Class of 1969 Teaching Fellows
- The Distance Mathematics Program by Greg Mayer, Academic Professional, Mathematics, Georgia Tech Educational Initiatives
- Graduate Teaching Fellows by Tammy McCoy, TA Development and Future Faculty Specialist, Center for Teaching and Learning, and Kate Williams, Assistant Director TA Development and Future Faculty Initiatives, Center for Teaching and Learning
- Integrating Perspectives in Interdisciplinary Teaching by Jenny McGuire, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, Class of 1969 Teaching Fellows
- Enriching Graduate Computer Science Curriculum Via Holistic Cross-Cutting Courses by Santosh Pande, Associate Professor, Computer Science, and Polo Chau, Associate Professor, Computational Science and Engineering, Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows
- Socio-Technical Project-based Teaching-learning Model in a Cornerstone Design Course by Raghu Pucha, Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Teaching Scholars
- Teaching Students to Read Thousands of Novels in a Semester by Brad Rittenhouse, Academic Professional and Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature, Media, and Communication, Brittain Fellows
- Using Erasmus’s De Copia to Teach Technical Writing, Jonathan Shelley, Postdoctoral Scholar, Literature, Media, and Communication, Brittain Fellows
- Comparison of Student Learning Gains using Open Education Resources versus a Commercial Online Biology Textbook, by Chrissy Spencer, Biological Sciences, Senior Academic Professional, Aakanksha Angra, Academic Professional, Georgia State University, and Kata Dosa, Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Teaching and Learning, Educational Initiatives.
- Small Teaching, Huge Classes by Monica Sweat, Senior Lecturer, College of Computing, Georgia Tech Educational Initiatives
- Intro to Smart Product Design by Wei Wang, Assistant Professor, Industrial Design, Class of 1969 Teaching Fellows
- Using Graphing Materials to Improve Undergraduate Biology Students’ Graph Choice, Construction, and Interpretation in an Upper-Division Animal Behavior Lecture Course by Emily Weigel, Academic Professional, Biological Sciences, Georgia Tech, and Aakanksha Angra, Academic Professional, Georgia State University, Georgia Tech Educational Initiatives. Poster available upon request.
- Water-safety Education for High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate students (WE-HUG) by Xing Xie, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Class of 1969 Teaching Fellows
- Dynamic Courses and Faculty in Serve-Learn-Sustain’s Signature Programs by Ruth Yow, Academic Professional, Serve-Learn-Sustain, Georgia Tech Educational Initiatives

- 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.: Poster Session
- 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.: Luncheon and Faculty Honors Program
- 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Keynote address by Dr. Alegra Eroy-Reveles "Who Belongs Here?"
Celebrating Teaching Day continued into the afternoon with this workshop lead by Dr. Alegra Eroy-Reveles!
Rediscovering Purpose in Teaching and Learning: Spa Day for the Teaching Mind
2:00 - 3:30 p.m., Student Center 321
Why are we here in the academy? What’s your own personal purpose for being here? We explored how we reveal our authentic selves in the classroom--and how we validate and affirm our students in their own quest for knowledge and wisdom. In addition, we explored strategies for sustaining both ourselves and our community of teachers and learners.
Workshop materials:
The next Celebrating Teaching Day will be in March 2020. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Carol Subiño Sullivan: csubino@gatech.edu or (404) 894-1355).