Call for Applications
Partner with the Learning and Technology Initaitives Team to leverage technologies that engage your students and support their success. We invite proposals that look for new and creative opportunities to use technology as well as proposals that seek technological solutions to existing course struggles.
What can you accomplish with a Teaching with Technology Partnership? Here are a few examples from past projects:
- Create short animated videos to engage student in asynchronous lectures
- Manage multiple sections of Canvas courses
- Develop AI assessments
- Design modules in Canvas
- Record podcasts

The Teaching with Technology Partnership (TTP) is a CTL initiative that supports and promotes effective and innovative uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning. These partnerships involve collaboration between the following two parties:
- Faculty Fellows: The Teaching with Technology Faculty Fellows will be the sponsors of projects on which they wish to collaborate with CTL.
- CTL Learning Technology Specialists: CTL will be a creative partner in the projects selected for the TTP program. Each project will be assigned a CTL learning technology specialist, who will be available to meet with the faculty fellows regularly to develop, implement, and assess the projects.
Applications for the 2023 Teaching with Technology Partnership are now open. If you have a project in mind and would like to partner with CTL to work on it, please submit your application by Friday, August 30th, 2024.
How Do I Apply?
To submit your application, please download the project submission template, complete it, and have it signed by your department head. Then submit it through this application form.
What Potential Projects Does TTP Support?
Potential projects that individuals, teams, and departments might pursue with CTL support include, but are not limited to the following:
- Active Learning /Student Engagement : Design, implement, and evaluate innovative curricular and pedagogical ideas to use learning technologies to engage students and improve student learning, especially in large undergraduate classes.
- Course Design or Re-design: Design and develop a new course, or redesign an existing course for a new mode, such as online or hybrid, or by incorporating new technologies to improve learning outcomes in various learning environments.
- Digital Course Materials Development: Develop interactive digital course materials that can be shared among departmental instructors in their teaching and learning efforts.
What Support Will CTL Provide to TTP?
The learning technology specialists in CTL will provide the following assistance to the selected projects:
- Consultation: CTL will provide consultations and recommendations on what technologies can meet the needs of the projects and how technologies can be used to achieve the learning goals of the projects.
- Workshop: For projects that require faculty and/or students to use technologies in their classes, CTL will offer workshops as needed on how to use the technologies effectively.
- Design and development: CTL will collaborate with content specialists to design and develop digital course materials for the proposed projects.
- Implementation and Evaluation: CTL will provide assistance in implementing the projects and assessing the impact of the projects on student learning.
- Dissemination: CTL will help disseminate the outcomes of the projects through CTL-sponsored events and feature the projects on the CTL website.
What Is Required for TTP Projects?
- A faculty fellow applicant must be a full-time Georgia Tech academic or research faculty member and submit descriptions of the project he/she would like to sponsor.
- The potential project must be endorsed by the relevant department(s) and school(s).
- All TTP faculty fellows will meet as a cohort either virtually or in-person throughout the experience to discuss the progress of their projects and provide feedback to others.
What Are the Evaluation Criteria for Potential TTP Projects?
Due to limited resources, TTP can only support a few projects every year, depending on their scale. We will consider potential TTP projects based on the following criteria:
- Relevance to department and institute priorities
- Impact on student learning
- Feasibility of project plan
- Clarity of measurement for project success
- The potential application to other teaching and learning activities across campus
Please send your inquiry to Lauren Barbeau, Assistant Director of Learning and Technology Initiatives.